Jessabeau + Dave | Botanic PArk, Adelaide SA
Jessabeau & David
“Incomprehensible things happen in life..there is always a reason, such as today” Yep! These two love birds were due to finally tie the knot in glamorous fashion on Saturday but the dreaded “C” word stepped in (however swiftly) to ruin their plans. You may remember the whiplash that was Adelaide’s 3-day lockdown…However, nothing would stop Jessabeau and Dave from getting married before the lockdown took affect.
So here we are, the afternoon of, and sweet Jess calls in mild panic to let us know that they are getting married in a few hours! Are we available? Yes. Are we hurrying to gather everything and get out the door? Yes. Are we super pumped for the excitement of a truly last minute wedding inspired by the truest love? YES!
Unfortunately Jess and Dave’s original photographer was unavailable (Jessica Mary, you were missed!) …and Luke has never been hired so quick.
Luke: “Who’s the photographer?
Me: “You are!”
Luke and I, hurried to meet everyone who had also been “called in” moments earlier to get prepped for a wedding; bridesmaids, groomsman, parents, hair and make up legends, florists and celebrant Hayley Rusinski of Vintage Love Ceremonies.
Everyone got ready in a flurry of hair, make up and Prosecco. Then we were off to a love and emotion filled ceremony at Botanic Park…followed by petal showers and a photo sesh that needed to beat the sunset!
Close family and friends then gathered at Jess and Dave’s place for an incredible BBQ, flowing drinks, singing, dancing and both Italian and Greek traditions…who needs all their plates anyway!!
What we couldn’t stop thinking about was how this is the greatest story of a celebration that would not and could not be stopped by the chaos of the world. It was a demonstration of pure love, true happiness and a family who love to party…even if it’s under the back patio.
It was the most fun and no one will ever forget it.
The biggest congratulations ever to these legends who pulled this thing off!