Vanessa + Andy // Saint Peters Cathedral & Sa Museum

What an absolutely spectacular and fabulous affair Vanessa and Andy put on for their most loved people!

These lovers planned an incredible day to celebrate the beginning of their married life. They wed at the most grand and beautiful St Peter’s Cathedral; an emotional Andy waiting at the end of the aisle for his stunning soon-to-be wife, followed by petal showers, hugs, kisses, bubbles and happy celebrations.

Guests were invited to a stunning, inner city garden party reception; hanging florals, flowing cocktails, smiling waiters, delectable food and an evening of chatter, laughter and joyous emotions. It wasn’t a small crowd, but it was every single person V and A dearly adore. As the sun set, Andy loosened his bowtie, Vanessa change into her feathered party dress and everyone danced the night away, with bongos, a saxophone and cocktails on the dance floor.

The biggest congrats ever to these amazing people!



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